The Cherryville Community Food & Resource Society is happy to offer a variety of programs geared towards Family and Youth in Cherryville.
Recreational Sports: includes soccer, t-ball, softball, and ice programs. Typically 2 age categories; ages 4-6 and 7-12. Registration first open to Cherryville residents and then open to surrounding areas if spots available. Soccer typically starts end of April and T-ball/Soft-Ball start up in September. Ice sports dependent on weather.
Arts & Culture: afterschool Arts & Culture classes offered from September-May of each year. Classes differ year to year and are offered according to age, typically on Tuesdays, afterschool until 4:30pm. The Arts & Culture program provides diverse interactive and engaging classes covering a range of educational opportunities including but not limited to Art & Health, Dance, Drawing, Painting & Crafting, Music & Singing, Photography & Film, Poetry & Parks, and Culture.
Education Workshops: CCFRS hosts educational and training workshops including the Babysitting Course and Home Alone Course. Classes are run typically once per year, depending on community interest.
Summer Activities: CCFRS is working toward offering summer activities for youth, hopefully to be launched in 2025.
The above programs are managed and implemented by our Youth and Family Coordinator, Maya Arcand. Maya works directly with families, community organizations, and local stakeholders to bridge services and supports into Cherryville area to create opportunities for local kids. There are a number of ways to stay up-to-date on youth activities happening in the Cherryville area, including registration details. Follow our Youth and Family Facebook page at Cherryville Youth and Family Resources, subscribe to our monthly newsletter, drop in to the Resource Center anytime between 8:00-3:00 Monday-Thursday or contact Maya Arcand directly (Ph: 250-550-8902 Email:
We are always looking at ways to grow and support Cherryville youth and would love to hear from you if you are interested in supporting our programs. Getting involved might look like volunteering, donating, or collaborating on projects that promote positive health and well-being for rural-living families. Thank you for your interest in Cherryville youth opportunities, we look forward to hearing from you!