Cherryville Food & Resources Food Bank News,Resource Center News Thank You to The Colin & Lois Pritchard Foundation

Thank You to The Colin & Lois Pritchard Foundation

We are beyond grateful to the continuous generosity afforded to Cherryville Community Food & Resource Society by The Colin & Lois Pritchard Foundation. We have been absolutely blessed by this foundation and their extraordinary giving hearts! Thank You from all of us at the Cherryville Resource Society.

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Christmas Hampers & Gifts EventChristmas Hampers & Gifts Event

Tis the Season! We have been busy planning, organizing, and collecting items for this years Christmas Hamper event for our Cherryville residents. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from a Christmas hamper this year, please reach out to Sharon Harvey at 250-550-6646 or drop in to the Resource Center and pick up an application from either Michelle or Amanda. Hamper pick ups will be December 17th at the Cherryville Community Hall, all individuals will be provided a time slot after registration is complete. *Deadline for submissions is December 8th!

If you are not familiar with this program, each year around Christmas time we provide an extra large hamper to individuals in need along with Christmas presents for any children part of this program. Although Christmas time can be filled with excitement and wonder, it can also be a very stressful time of year and a real financial burden. We have been giving back to our Cherryville residents to try and alleviate those Christmas stressors for well over 40 years now!

Are you looking to donate or help with this event? There are a few different ways you can support our families at this time.

Annual Angel Brunch – this is a wonderful time spent together in community, sharing great food and even better conversation! Come hang out at the hall with us for some friendly banter and socializing. Everyone is encouraged to bring a brunch item and an unwrapped gift for a child to be used for our children in need at Christmas time. We will accept everything, small stocking stuffers to larger presents, all is welcome! When? Friday, November 25th at the Cherryville Hall from 10:00am-12:00pm.

Angel Sponsorship – our “Angels” are symbolic of every Cherryville child registered for a hamper. We work closely with Cherryville Elementary School where the kids complete Santa Wish Lists that we can then find a few items to include as Christmas gifts. Every angel card for sponsorship includes details about the child you are sponsoring (except the name as the identity of our children remain confidential) and some suggested likes and dislikes.

Christmas Bazaar – Cherryville Community Food & Resource Society will have a table set up at the Christmas Bazaar along with “Angels” in need of sponsorship. We will have homemade baked goods for sale where all proceeds go toward funding our Christmas Hamper and Gifts event. If you would like to sponsor a child or donate money toward sponsorship of a child, this is a great place to do it. Or, instead of giving money we are welcoming any homemade baked item that we can use for sale at the Bazaar. Please drop any baked goods off to Sharon Harvey at 412 Sugar Lake Rd by Saturday, December 3rd.

Thank you to all the incredible volunteers we have, the outstanding staff, and to this beautiful community who continues to give and support our residents year after year with such love and compassion. Cherryville is truly unique and we are beyond blessed to call this our home.

Recycled City a Hit!Recycled City a Hit!

Recycled City was a major success among our 8-12 year old kiddos!

It was a super fun 6 weeks watching the kiddos go through the process of designing, planning and creating their cities.

Everyone was so focused and determined to bring their creations to life. There was lots of problem solving, discussion, creative thinking and learning mixed in. It was a joy to see how the recycled materials were turned into buildings, houses and community structures; real and imaginative. The end result was a very diverse collection of “cities” and some super proud creators.