Cherryville Tax Clinic

The Cherryville Income Tax Clinic is available and free for low income and basic tax returns. Our volunteers are able to do multi-year taxes so if you are needing to catch up on prior years, that is not a problem!

Starting March 7th – April 6th, CCF&RS will be doing a Drop-off/Pick-Up Tax Clinic.

Cherryville residents can bring their tax paperwork to our office during open hours; volunteer tax preparers will file your returns and call you when ready to pick up!

Please bring your tax paperwork to the Cherryville Resource Center building at: 158 North Fork Road, Cherryville BC, V0E2G3

OPEN: Monday 9-2, Tuesday 8-12, Wednesday & Friday 8-2

For more information, call Amanda at 250-547-0089

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Christmas Hampers EventChristmas Hampers Event

The Cherryville community may be small in numbers, but it is BIG in giving!

Every year we have tons of supporters who make this day possible, starting at 6:00 in the morning and ending around 10:00 at night, families and individuals are given Christmas Hampers and Gifts. What initially started as a very small community service in 1971, this was the foundation that the Cherryville Community Food Bank Society started on…49 years ago, wow! It has flourished into a beautiful community building event where we support one another and ensure our people are taken care of during the holiday season.

Thank you to all the volunteers that support us each and every year, to donors who give so generously, and every person, group, and organization who make this service a possibility.

Behind the scenes in Food Bank Building, getting organized!

Volunteers from all ages, kids to seniors, giving back to our community together!

Meal Program for SeniorsMeal Program for Seniors

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new meal program for seniors! Any senior residing in Cherryville area who is 65 or older can purchase a pre-made meal for $5.00. Fresh meals can be picked up the same day as they are made, otherwise all meals are frozen and can be picked up at a later date. All proceeds go back into the program to further support our local seniors.

October 17th, 2020 is the First Meal Day!

Turkey Dinner – comes with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed carrots, bun and a dessert. Call Lynne Frerichs at 250-547-6540 to place your order!

Are you interested in sponsoring a senior to receive meals? Use the donate option to purchase meals for a senior, just make a note in the comments section and we will use your donation to provide meals to seniors in need. A $50.00 donation is the equivalent of buying 10 meals!

We have so much to be thankful for this year and we cannot wait to give back to our community through this exciting new program for seniors.