Arts & Culture Fun!

Check out some of the cool projects completed in our different Arts & Culture program for Cherryville youth. These were taken from our Recycled City and Foraging Art classes.

Thank you Steph Bellows for a wonderful Arts & Culture season with our Cherryville kiddos!

Cherryville Arts & Culture classes will resume in the Fall of 2024 – keep an eye out for registration dates and timelines.

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A message from the President of Cherryville Community Food Bank Society:

Well I am sad to say our little food bank is affected by Corona. We must stop our Thursday operations until further notice. If you need food please contact Barb and we will arrange pick up. 250-260-0562 or myself at 250-547-6646.

We are accepting donations and are following strict standards to keep our at risk population protected as best we can. Please wash your hands often. Stay away from crowds and if you feel sick-even a little-stay at home.

We will provide updates as they arise.

Please pass this message on to all residents in the Cherryville area so they are aware. Those that don’t or can’t use Facebook are at risk so tell your neighbors.

Thank you Cherryville for all the support,

Sharon Harvey

CODEanagan Bootcamp for Youth (15-25)CODEanagan Bootcamp for Youth (15-25)

Hi everyone!

United Way of S0uthern Interior BC has upcoming bootcamps for youth 15-25 to learn more about programming and IT. Check out the details below and share with anyone who may be interested – it is completely free to register!

April 13th & 14th – 4.30-7.30pmCrack the Code : explore modern web programming with the very cool Nathan, and by the end you’ll understand such things as HTML, CSS, JavaScript & NodeJS !

April 20th & 21st – 4.30-7.30pmSurviving & Thriving…in a Tech Driven World : have fun exploring the fundamentals of I.T., computers, and internetworking… with the incredibly entertaining Troy. From a zero base you’ll discover network management, computer systems administration, and computer and internet security…. in amongst a bunch of other career skills needed for entry level IT jobs.

Both Bootcamps will be via Zoom and will involve plenty of hands-on activities, opportunities to get to know others while learning…. and I promise you, nothing at all that will send you to sleep!!

These are 2 seriously fun instructors & 2 great sessions PLUS free pizza dinner & cool awards for completing the workshop (last time was STEAM Gift Cards but you get to vote on what you’d like this time!). And truly ZERO previous tech genius is required. All that you’ll need is a desk top computer or laptop, a reasonable wifi connection….and you don’t even need to leave your house unless you want to! There will also be young, fun coaches already in the tech industry at both sessions too, to assist anyone who need a little one-on-one support or encouragement in a virtual breakout room anytime.

If you are anywhere in the 15-25 age group you are IN….. but in these Covid times we are being super flexible on age eligibility, so please reach out if you are outside that age range but want to participate anyway. FREE Registration for both workshops is now open at